March 4, Trials and Errors

March 4, 2020

Day 4 Challg20.jpg


"Being an artist... a lot of what it really means is trial and error. Trying things that don't work... that's how you learn." - Autumn de Forest


Today's quote was long, to use it in my image, I would have to shorten the length. After paraphrasing, the truth rang out. There are many pieces that I work on that will never see the light of day. Some have too much detail, others have too little or the color balance is wrong. These images may be discarded altogether or held in a file for another day.


The inspiration image for this piece was a beautiful girl/woman wearing a crown of Crayola crayons- "Oh, the possibilities".

Some trials and errors did go into this finished piece.

Most of the digital pieces I created for the February Creators Challenge have ten to twenty Photoshop layers within them. They all are twisted and turned to bring to life the mood I wish to create for the finished piece. This process can go smooth or it can be a bumpy ride. At times my timeline runs out and I just need to post. Make no mistake, that which I couldn't finish will go smoother from the experimentation in a future piece.


I liked this finished piece and it came together relatively easily. It represents the core of most of my work. Beautiful girls, women, and matrons in beautiful places and spaces.


And who wouldn't want a crown of many colors? Send one my way, please.


Until tomorrow-

sheree greek A.K.A Mystical Medusa