And the count down begins....

A Day in Early September-

An Angel for September

An Angel for September

As the quote states- "it was the best of times, and the worst of times..." This account rings true for me this fine month of September 2019.

Last year at this time, I was wrestling with the idea of closing down my art studio. I indeed did close the studio. Rent was high, for the caliber of space I had, so it made sense to let it go. “Onward, upward” is my motto.

After that decision was made, I toyed with the idea of looking for another space. Rents for business spaces have exploded here on the Central Coast, and I shelved that idea pretty quickly.

The days drifted into months, and I drifted with them. I worked a couple of part-time jobs over the past year. They had became boring and tedious, they were no longer fun. I felt I should be doing something full time. The resumes went out, but little to no response came back to me. Something had to give, but not sure what?

June of this year brought a shift to my world. The part-time jobs that I had worked the past few years both dried up and went away. Yes, the Universe was sending me a sign I needed to pay attention to all of it.

Back in May, I had said out loud a few times, "I am not doing what I am supposed to be doing here." It's frustrating to know the fact and not see the threads to weave the next chapter. That would all change the end of July. I will not go into the specifics now, but news came that a physical move of house was on the horizon.

The business real estate had exploded as I stated before, but the rental property had gone beyond reality as well. The pay scale, jobs, and housing, have not kept up in tandem here in the Monterey area. Because of these facts, it looked like I will have to leave the area.

One year later, the move I thought would happen last Fall, is now happening this Fall.

Monterey by the Bay

Monterey by the Bay

With any good-byes, many things are bittersweet. The beauty of the land, sea, and sky of this place will be missed. The rugged shoreline, the ever-changing atmosphere, and the blues of the Pacific Ocean will be etched in my memory banks for a long time to come. These things changed the way I see and create art, I will be eternally grateful for my experiences on the Central Coast of California.

New chapters come with new excitement. I love exploring new cities and meeting new people. I plan to join in and participate in some of my favorite activities in my new surrounding. Artist, maker, mystic that's me!

Moving Along

Moving Along

In the meantime, I am packing, tossing, and readying myself for a move back East. The Sarasota/Bradenton area of the West Coast of Florida to be exact. After years in the fog, the Sunshine State will be a pleasant change.

so long.jpg

Time to get packing... Later you all-sheree a.k.a Mystical Medusa

PS Stay tuned for a cross country move…


What do I Hunger for?

And just like that I’m back in the saddle again.

May1 Hunger for.jpg

Time has definitely flown since January 1. When I woke up yesterday I couldn’t believe we were turning the page to May 1, 2019. So it is…

There have been lot’s of starts and stop the last few months. I had dental problems that finished up with a root canal. It will always amaze me how under the weather we feel when there is pain in our mouths. Little or big it just don’t feel right. I had some great Dentists fix the problem, but it cost me a small fortune that I needed to find a solution. Enter credit card stage left. Lots of mac and cheese in my future.

I have also been dismayed by some of the comments and news reports coming out about social media in general. Did I ever think we were not being monitored on any platform-No.. Did I think that these platforms had the ability to spy on us? Another scary -No. Some of the statements each of these Platforms are making to justify their activities and behavior are truly brow raising and shocking. Will I stay engaged? Not sure today.

So it goes…

I’m feeling more grounded then the last few months, so I decided I would take on another creative challenge from #icreatedaily. This challenge focuses on mixed media, and I am feeling that this is in my wheelhouse since most of my work includes a few different media when I create my pieces.


So I’m trying to keep things in order and move forward on a few projects I put on the back burner.

Time to work on post for tomorrow. See you all then.

Cheers Dears-sheree A.K.A. Mystical Medusa

Happy May